Created 4-Sep-12
Modified 16-Jan-19
Visitors 96
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Westview, MD - Feb. 29, 2008 - Around 11:30 p.m. Feb. 29, firefighters on Baltimore County's westside responded to smoke reported in an apartment at 5914 Franklin Avenue (Fire Box 13-2). Units reported a 3-story garden style apartment building with nothing showing upon arrival, but upgraded to smoke inside after entering the building. Crews reported fire in a ceiling fan, which was extending into the pipe chase, walls, and common areas. With a late night fire in an occupied three-story apartment building, command requested a Working Fire assignment, and a second alarm was struck shortly thereafter. Crews managed to quickly contain the fire and contain damage to 3 apartments. The fire was reported under control at 12:16 am. There were no injuries to residents or firefighters. The BCoFD Fire Investigation Division was called to the scene to try to determine a cause, and residents of the apartments involved were relocated into other apartments in the complex.

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