Created 6-Jan-19
Modified 16-Jan-19
Shortly before 4 pm on Sunday, January 6, Baltimore City firefighters were alerted for a reported dwelling fire (Box Alarm 40-40) at West Forest Park Avenue & Callaway Avenue. Fire Dispatch notified responding units that multiple calls were being received. First arriving units reported heavy smoke showing from a large 3-story frame house and began an aggressive attack on the fire. A Working Fire Dispatch was quickly sounded, and as the fire progressed through walls and void spaces, conditions worsened and firefighters were ordered to evacuate and exterior operations were initiated. Firefighters had fire in the basement, all three floors and eventually through the roof. Car 5 (Shift Commander Goldberg) requested a second alarm and special-called the Water Tower. The fire was brought under control after nearly three hours of operation and is under investigation by the BCFD Fire Investigation Bureau.
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