Created 14-Jan-18
Modified 14-Jan-18
In 20 degree temperatures on Sunday morning, January 14, 2018, members of the Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company participated in ice rescue training at the Druid Ridge Cemetery pond. Firefighters and EMS personnel conducted several different evolutions in the training led by Mike Berna, including deploying "throw bags", using a ground ladder to access a victim, and utilizing the bucket on Tower 323 to bring rescuers to the victim's aid. Berna, a Captain assigned to the Baltimore County Fire Department's Advanced Technical Rescue (ATR) team at Station 17, has been instrumental in the development of the Baltimore County Swiftwater/Flood Rescue Task Force and has served on the Governors Swiftwater/Flood Advisory Group for the state of Maryland. While ice rescue calls are not very frequent in PVFC's first due district, there is a great level of danger to victims who are trapped in these type of situations, and this training afforded PVFC crews the opportunity to train both in the water and on the shoreline.
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